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FAQ Placing Calls

support Placing Calls

FAQ SupportHow do I make calls?

  1. Dial an access number. The toll free number will be provided in you account confirmation e-mail. To find a local access number for you area, use the local access number finder.
  2. Enter your PIN when prompted or if registered for PIN-less dialing skip this step.
    1. For International calls dial 011 + Country code + City code + Phone Number + "#"
    2. For calls within/to USA, Canada, the Caribbean dial 1 + Area code + Number + "#"

If you are calling from your cell phone, make sure you do not press the 'Send' or 'Talk' key after entering your destination number. This may cause the call to go directly through your cell phone provider, resulting in an expensive cell phone bill.

To place another call without hanging up, press the "#" key twice and wait for 5 seconds.

If you set up Direct Speed Dial Numbers on your account, then to make an international call just dial the Direct Speed Dial US number assigned to your international number and you will get connected. This is the easiest and the best way to make a call.

FAQ SupportHow do I turn on or off the balance announcement?

To turn on or off your balance and minutes announcement:

  1. Login to your account with your email and password.
  2. Click "Account Settings."
  3. Click on the link that says "Balance announcement: Turn Off."

FAQ SupportWhere can I find international city / country codes?

You can access our international country/city code database.

It is for your convenience only. SpeakLonger.com does not claim to have the most up to date information.

FAQ SupportWhat is the difference between a local and toll free access number?

Both the local and toll free access numbers provide access to your SpeakLonger.com account. The toll free access number will work from anywhere in the continental United States and is best used when there is not a local access number available in your area.

Local access numbers provide a lower rate per minute then the toll free access number. To receive the most minutes on your card we recommend using the local access number.

Customers using their SpeakLonger.com account from their mobile phone or from phones that have nation wide calling plans, should always use a local access number this will provide the lowest rate per minute to your calling destinations. Even if there is not a local access number in your area, a nationwide calling plan will allow you to call to any local access number at no additional charge.

FAQ SupportHow do I use a local access number?

Using a local access number instead of the toll free number will save you anywhere from 1/2 to 2 c/min. The calling procedure is exactly the same as using the toll free number. Customers using SpeakLonger.com long distance calling services from a cell phone, or a phone with a nationwide long distance plans can dial any local access number to receive the lowest rate per minute.

Please note, it is your responsibility to make sure that the access number you dial is indeed local for you.

FAQ SupportHow do I add phone numbers for SpeakLonger.com Speed Dial?

To manage your speed dial:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click the "Account Settings" tab.
  3. Click "Speed Dial" tab.
  4. Enter contacts and phone numbers and be sure to click save when finished.

FAQ SupportHow do I place a call from my cell phone?

The calling procedure is exactly the same as calling from a regular phone. However, here are a couple of hints when using a cell phone:

  • Most cell phones now have free nation wide calling included as part of their plan. Meaning it costs the same amount to dial any local access number, even if it is not local to you. Using a local access number will provide a lower rate per minute then the toll free access number.
  • After you have dialed the full destination number, be careful NOT to press the "Send" or "Talk" button. Most cell phones open a second line and connect you directly to the number you just entered, rather then terminating the call using SpeakLonger.com services. Should this be the case you will be billed by your cell phone company at the rate they choose. One way to avoid this is to start using the Speed Dial feature of SpeakLonger.com.

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